Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Good Morning...Good Night

Next time you cook scrambled eggs, try mixing in one teaspoon of 2% milk and one dash salt for EACH egg and beating it up for 2 minutes. Then pour into a pre-heated, pre-buttered pand and follow the Martha Stewart method of pushing the mass towards the middle after it has set (2minutes), then move the pan about and keep pushing the eggs to the middle...

I've been trying lots of new ways to cook eggs now that our chickens are ramping up production. Scrambled is the easiest way to eat 4-6 eggs at once, IMO.

This tomato looks like a duckling to me. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. could also be a fist, punching down at the jars.
    but it looks a lot more like a duckling.
